Page 24 - 2023 NAKS MAC eBook
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2023 재미한국학교동중부지역협의회 회보 통권 21호

                   Dual perspectivein social work                                       CRT
                           (Norton, 1978)                               Critical Race Theory (CRT) is originated in the middle of 1970s from the U.S. legal scholars and
                                                                        activists such as Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl
                                                                        Harris, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams as their witnessing
                                                                        how U.S. laws and systems uphold and perpetuate inequality for traditionally marginalized
                                                                        CRT focuses on examining social and cultural issues as they relate to race, law, and social and
                                                                                           political power by expanding their agenda..
                                                                        CRT is regarded as a practice of seeing how the fiction of race has been transformed into
                                                                        concrete racial inequities in the US.
                                                                        CRT has been adopted by scholars outside of the legal field and utilized as a critical lens to
                                                                       analyze dominant systems of racial oppression in other disciplines, including political science,
                                                                                           ethnic studies, education and social work.
                                                                                           Delgado, R., and Stefancic, J.(2017). Critical race theory: An introduction (Vol. 20). NyU press.
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                                                                        Racism as ordinary    Unique voice of color
                                                                     1                     5
                                                                        Racism is so common, U.S. society makes   The use of storytelling among people of
                                                                        it difficult to cure and address.  color posits a tool to illuminate their
                                                                                              experiences of racial oppression.
                                                                        The critique of liberalism  Different racialization
                                                                     2  CRT critiques the liberalism world view,   6  Different racial groups are racialized in
                                                                        which embraces colorblindness.  disparate ways, and even the same racial
                  COVID-19 PANDEMIC                                     Whiteness as ultimate property  group can be racialized differently per
                                                                                              time and circumstances.
                                                                     3  Through the rights of disposition, rights   7  Anti-essentialism
                                                                                              There is no single essential experience or
                                                                        to use and enjoyment, rights of reputation   attribute that defines any group of
                                                                        or status property, and the absolute right   people.
                                                                        to exclude
                                                                        Interest convergence  Intersectionality
                                                                     4  Civil rights gains are only possible as long   8  race intersects with gender, class,
                                                                        as it is not perceived as major disruptions   sexuality, ability, and other social axes to
                                                                                              shape systemic forms of oppression and
                                                                        to the existing way of life for most Whites.
                                                                                              individual experiences
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            Reports of AAPI Hate Crime Cases
                                                                                  THE EVOLUTION OF CRT
                       2                            Present Day -
                       In March and April           a recent Gallup                  Critical Race Theory
                       2020, the U.S.,              poll in 2021 finds
                       STOP AAPI HATE,              that 45% of
                       an incident-                 Americans now
                       reporting center             think China is the
              1        received more                US’s greatest    American Indian Critical Race Theory  Latino/a Critical Race Theory
              Before WHO   than 1,800 reports       enemy.
              announces the   of COVID-19  3        Hate crimes
              proper name for   related harassment   Anti-Asian hate   against Asians and
              the pandemic,   or violence in 45   crimes increased   their descendants
              President Trump   states and   by nearly 150% in   4  in 16 of the    Asian Critical Race Theory
              refers to COVID-19   Washington, D.C.,   2020 per a national   Atlanta Shooting   nation's largest
              as the “Chinese   approximately 30   report on March 9,   on Asians on   cities has gone up
              virus” in a tweet:  crimes per day.  2021  March 16, 2021  to 164% in 2020
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