Page 25 - 2023 NAKS MAC eBook
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                                Asian CRT incorporates additional knowledge of Asian
                                American racial realities into the CRT.
                                One of the core tenets of CRT is there is no singular
                                experience even within the people who share the same
                                group membership. This anti-essentialism is well suited
                                to understand the misconception of Asian's model
                Asian CRT       Some communities had to come to the U.S. because their   Atlanta Shooting
                                native country pushed them away (i.e., push factor). In
                                contrast, some came to the U.S. for the benefits they could
                                have in the future, such as educational opportunity and
                                social mobility (i.e., pull factor) (Mark and Johan, 2020).
                                Thus, diverse experiences among Asian Americans
                                challenge coalition-building among all the Asian
                                subgroups to deconstruct race and racism in the United
                                Museus, S. D., & Iftikar, J.(2013). An Asian critical theory (AsianCrit) framework. Asian American students in higher
                                education, 18-29.
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                 Model Minority &
                 Perpetual Foreigner Perception  5  Intersectionality
                 Transnational context
                 the importance of historical and
                 contemporary national and international
                                                                          Atlanta Shoo
                 contexts for Asian Americans  6  Storytelling
                 Reconstructive History
                 the importance of reconstructing an
                 historical Asian American narrative
                                   7   Commitment to Social Justice
                 Strategic Anti-essentialism
              4  Dominant oppressive economic, political,
                 and social forces impact the ways in
                 which Asian Americans are racially   Museus, S. D., & Iftikar, J.(2013). An Asian critical theory (AsianCrit) framework. Asian
                 categorized and racialized in society  American students in higher education, 18-29.
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                                        HEIGHTENED RACISM
              THE IMPACTS
              OF COVID-19
              RELATED                    UNIDENTIFIED LONG TERM      Howwould you approach thiscase?
              RACISM ON                  IMPACTS
              THE ASIAN
                                         RAISING A UNIFIED VOICE

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